Venetians - Merchant's Dynasty

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6-30 Letters
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current ship movements

05:40 : In Nizza arrives the 5 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of Schwarzer.

05:38 : The powerful merchant fleet of emmett just arrives into the harbor of Lissabon.

05:36 : Jeanne de Sauveterre´s gigantic merchant fleet of 10 ships starts from Gibraltar towards Malaga.

05:33 : In Napoli arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of franki74.

05:31 : The powerful merchant fleet of Jeanne de Sauveterre just arrives into the harbor of Gibraltar.

05:27 : In Ajaccio arrives the 2 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of emmett.

05:26 : The powerful merchant fleet of Heri just arrives into the harbor of Cagliari.

05:26 : In the port of Rhodos shall arrives just a grand merchant fleet of Ignaz von Pein.

05:23 : A gigantic merchant fleet, consisting of 10 ships from miandra, leaving the Port of Lissabon towards Susa.

05:21 : Jeanne de Sauveterre´s big merchant fleet of 3 ships starts from Kreata-candia towards Smyrna.

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    • Achtung Piraten in sichtRule the whole Mediterranean:Discover and visit foreign harbour towns with your giant fleet - from alexandria to venice.

    I need your help!

    Santa ClausI think my reindeer have had a glass of wine too many. At a sharp left turn with my sleigh, I lost all my presents. You may find my lost presents every 12 hours, or so, on your own land or on your friends' lands. However, you have to search a little bit. The gifts are hidden and will appear day after day. I need 30 of presents minimum back. Please find them, return them, and I will reward you royally with a really great Christmas surprise.