Venetians - Merchant's Dynasty

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current ship movements

12:57 : In Rom arrives the 8 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of Ralf von Nonn.

12:56 : In the port of Lissabon shall arrives just a grand merchant fleet of Flugigel.

12:55 : In Rom arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of emmett.

12:54 : gandula´s gigantic merchant fleet of 10 ships starts from Malaga towards Valencia.

12:37 : The powerful merchant fleet of emmett just arrives into the harbor of Athen.

12:31 : In the Marseille cast off a grand merchant fleet of Flugigel. If all goes well, it should soon arrive in Bengasi.

12:30 : The powerful merchant fleet of Ralf von Nonn just arrives into the harbor of Genua.

12:26 : In the port of Marseille shall arrives just a grand merchant fleet of Flugigel.

12:22 : In the Oran cast off a gigantic merchant fleet of emmett. If all goes well, it should soon arrive in Ajaccio.

12:21 : emmett´s gigantic merchant fleet of 10 ships starts from Oran towards Ajaccio.

    • Familie BrowsergameRise to mighty councillorTake important offices and expand your village to a trading metropolis
    • Schatzkammer im online HandelsspielBuild your own trading empireSet up lucrative production trees to gain valuable goods which can be selled.
    • Achtung Piraten in sichtRule the whole Mediterranean:Discover and visit foreign harbour towns with your giant fleet - from alexandria to venice.


    Middle Ages Easter 2024

    Pirate Easter Rabbit

    In the Venetian countries the Easter Bunny is on his way. Keep an eye out to find 5 eggs per hour. What is in the eggs? Let yourself be surprised. The Easter celebration in the Venetian Middle Ages simulation will fascinate you.

    The sawmill

    browsergame sawmill

    It spreads like wildfire in the daily papers. A completely new technology, the use of hydropower, is making a name for itself. The invention of the sawmill will bring a huge step forward in industry and craft. Reaches for the spades and digs ditches to power these manufacturing cities. Manufacture boards for use in your yards or to trade with them. Be part of the trade game Venetians and build this new building on your building land.

    Naval battles

    Naval battles in the Philippines archipelago

    Again there are new adventures to be had. Put your skills to the test in the new questline. Mobilize the members of your guilds and form gigantic fleets of warships to kill the pirates. Hold on together until the end to solve the mystery of the naval battles in the Philippines archipelago. Be there, fill your pockets with huge prices and get many other advantages here in the trading game Venetians.

  • About the game

    Set up your own giant empire over the whole Mediterranean with clever trading. By producing and selling of valuable goods you'll become a wealthy man.

    Set sails and discover new harbour towns and lucrative trading spots. Learn master the dangers of the sea and rise to become an experienced salesman.

    Come together with many other players in guilds and take important offices to gain more power and incluence within your town.