Venecianos – Comerciante del sur

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los movimientos actuales de barcos

03:11 : In the Tunis cast off a powerful merchant fleet of Flugigel. If all goes well, it should soon arrive in Susa.

03:09 : In the Tunis cast off a grand merchant fleet of Flugigel. If all goes well, it should soon arrive in Split.

03:04 : In Cartagena arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of emmett.

02:52 : The powerful merchant fleet of Ralf von Nonn just arrives into the harbor of Malta.

02:50 : In Ajaccio arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of emmett.

02:46 : In Oran arrives the 2 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of JeSoBe.

02:46 : The powerful merchant fleet of emmett just arrives into the harbor of Ajaccio.

02:44 : The powerful merchant fleet of marenghinatt just arrives into the harbor of Port_said.

02:42 : In Saloniki arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of gandula.

02:37 : In Ajaccio arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of emmett.



archangels studio
Oliver Maslo
4662 Williamstown Blvd
33810 Lakeland, FL

Tel.: +1 863 899 2773
E-Mail: info AT


Oliver Maslo

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