Obecne ruchy statków
10:48 : In the port of Kreata-candia shall arrives just a powerful merchant fleet of zorro.
10:47 : Klabauter´s gigantic merchant fleet of 10 ships starts from Ajaccio towards Barcelona.
10:47 : In the port of Alexandria shall arrives just a powerful merchant fleet of Ralf von Nonn.
10:46 : ??????´s grand merchant fleet of 5 ships starts from Antalya towards Bengasi.
10:46 : scighéra´s grand merchant fleet of 6 ships starts from Ajaccio towards Nizza.
10:45 : In the Beirut cast off a grand merchant fleet of ??????. If all goes well, it should soon arrive in Yalta.
10:44 : ??????´s grand merchant fleet of 5 ships starts from Beirut towards Yalta.
10:44 : In Ajaccio arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of Klabauter.
10:44 : In Valencia arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of miandra.
10:44 : The powerful merchant fleet of miandra just arrives into the harbor of Valencia.