Wenecjanin – handlarz południa

3-30 litery
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Obecne ruchy statków

02:48 : The grand merchant fleet of Schwarzer just arrives into the harbor of Almeria.

02:38 : In the port of Valencia shall arrives just a powerful merchant fleet of miandra.

02:26 : In Port_said arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of emmett.

02:23 : In the port of Susa shall arrives just a powerful merchant fleet of miandra.

02:23 : In Cadiz arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of miandra.

02:16 : In Port_said arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of miandra.

02:16 : TwiceRight´s Barke reached the quay at the port of Oran.

02:14 : In Alexandria arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of miandra.

02:07 : The big merchant fleet of TwiceRight just arrives into the harbor of Konstantinopel.

02:06 : A Barke of TwiceRight is currently arriving the port of a Zypern.


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