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current ship movements
06:18 : Schwarzer´s grand merchant fleet of 7 ships starts from Messina towards Genua.
06:17 : In the port of Ajaccio shall arrives just a grand merchant fleet of Flugigel.
06:16 : In the Antalya cast off a powerful merchant fleet of Schwarzer. If all goes well, it should soon arrive in Rhodos.
06:14 : A powerful merchant fleet, consisting of 9 ships from Schwarzer, leaving the Port of Saloniki towards Rhodos.
06:13 : In the Malta cast off a grand merchant fleet of emmett. If all goes well, it should soon arrive in Linosa.
06:13 : In the Nizza cast off a grand merchant fleet of Schwarzer. If all goes well, it should soon arrive in Split.
06:11 : emmett´s gigantic merchant fleet of 10 ships starts from Algier towards Ajaccio.
06:11 : A gigantic merchant fleet, consisting of 10 ships from ships_cat, leaving the Port of Triest towards Split.
06:10 : Schwarzer´s powerful merchant fleet of 8 ships starts from Nizza towards Venezia.
06:09 : Schwarzer´s grand merchant fleet of 7 ships starts from Nizza towards Kreata-candia.