Venetians - Merchant's Dynasty

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current ship movements

07:41 : In Susa arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of HPH.

07:41 : In Korfu arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of Jeanne de Sauveterre.

07:38 : bodoir´s grand merchant fleet of 7 ships starts from Gibraltar towards Tanger.

07:38 : In Susa arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of HPH.

07:37 : A Galley von HPH takes just course from Split to Korfu on.

07:37 : The big merchant fleet of Jeanne de Sauveterre just arrives into the harbor of Bari.

07:37 : The powerful merchant fleet of von Gelsen just arrives into the harbor of Kreata-candia.

07:37 : A gigantic merchant fleet, consisting of 10 ships from bodoir, leaving the Port of Almeria towards Malaga.

07:37 : A powerful merchant fleet, consisting of 8 ships from HPH, leaving the Port of Susa towards Jafa.

07:36 : HPH´s Galley reached the quay at the port of Split.



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Oliver Maslo
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Oliver Maslo

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