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current ship movements
10:16 : In the port of Ajaccio shall arrives just a powerful merchant fleet of Klabauter.
10:15 : The grand merchant fleet of Klabauter just arrives into the harbor of Cartagena.
10:14 : The powerful merchant fleet of miandra just arrives into the harbor of Valencia.
10:14 : A Bombarde von zorro takes just course from Valencia to Cartagena on.
10:14 : The powerful merchant fleet of miandra just arrives into the harbor of Valencia.
10:13 : In the port of Valencia shall arrives just a powerful merchant fleet of miandra.
10:13 : In Cartagena arrives the 10 merchant ships of the emerging trading empire of miandra.
10:13 : The powerful merchant fleet of miandra just arrives into the harbor of Valencia.
10:13 : The powerful merchant fleet of miandra just arrives into the harbor of Valencia.
10:13 : The powerful merchant fleet of miandra just arrives into the harbor of Rabat.